Advance Disable Thermal
  • Version Pre-Release
  • Method Magisk/KernelSu
  • Temperature Block, With 3 Mode (run,stop,auto)

Available Option Flag

  • -R / –run: Mode ‘run’.
  • -S / –stop: Mode ‘stop’.
  • -A / –auto: Mode ‘auto’.
  • -C / –check: Checking the running thermal mode.

How To Use

  • Open Termux And Type ‘su’
  • Type adt [OPTION]


  • Auto Mode It takes at least 10-20 seconds to switch from Disable to Enable when the device is charging

Get Link

Installation Guide

  1. Get the Module: Get the latest version of Module from our link.
  2. Install Magisk: Ensure you have Magisk installed on your device.
  3. Flash the Module: Use the Magisk app to flash the module.
  4. Reboot: Restart your device to apply the changes.
  5. Verify Installation: Check the Magisk app to ensure the module is active.

Full Explanation

  1. -R or –run: This option is used to run the ‘run’ mode. When this option is selected, the script will run in ‘run’ mode, which will stop the ‘auto’ program if it is running, set the persist.adt.mode value to 1, and run the script contained in the $RUN_MODE path with superuser permissions.
  2. -S or –stop: This option is used to run in ‘stop’ mode. When this option is selected, the script will run in ‘stop’ mode, which will stop the ‘auto’ program if it is running, set the value of persist.adt.mode to 2, and run the script in path $STOP_MODE with superuser permission.
  3. -A or –auto: This option is used to run in ‘auto’ mode. When this option is selected, the script will run the ‘auto’ mode, which will check if the ‘auto’ program is running, delete the $LOCAL_TMP/auto file if any, set the persist.adt.mode value to 3, copy the file from path $AUTO_MODE to $LOCAL_TMP, grant the auto file execution permissions, and run the auto file in the background.
  4. -C or –check: This option is used to check the currently running thermal mode. When this option is selected, the script checks the value of persist.adt.mode and displays the current thermal mode.

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